ASUKA is the place where old capitals were established. (1400 years ago)
And in that period, the Base of Centralized and Constitutional Nation was built.
Therefore, we can say, ASUKA is a Birthplace of Japan.
Now, you will find many remains of structures built during the Asuka Period.
Please come to enjoy sightseeing in ASUKA, with our Volunteer Guide.
He will introduce you the Charm of ASUKA, please enjoy.
You can enjoy walking in ASUKA. Also, if you like, you can do by Cycling Tour.
Asuka-dera Temple
Inabuchi Tanada Terraced Rice Fields
Ishibutai Tumulus
Tobiishi Stones of the Asuka River
To the person who requests for a guide:
Before you apply for a guide, please read and agree with the following matters:
If you agree with all the above, please fullfill the Guide Request Application.